Saturday, August 27, 2005

Taking the big leap - moving into the dorm


moving into the dorm at Montana State University took a couple of days, but I did that because I only live 45 minutes away, so packing all my stuff in a few trips wasn't a problem, and worked ok with shopping for a TV stand, desk lamp, misc room supplies and other stuff.

Getting everything situated in the room can be a challenge because with such a small area, there's no extra room for all of a college students belongings.

The bed situation:
If the bed setup doesn't allow for enough room, consider stacking the beds to make a bunk, because every square foot is precious. We tried dismanteling my bed, and storing the wood in the closet. However, the same day a 2 different RA's came in and said that it was a "fire hazard". Now my roomate's bed is really high off the floor, and it's tough, so we'll have to work something out.